#JABpodcast 129 (YDKSAB)

Whats up boxing fans! Its been a down time in the sport of boxing. We recently lost a legend in the sport the original “Black Mamba” Roger Mayweather. Roger was a key person in the corner of TBE and today we wanna send out condolences to the Mayweather family. We want to pay our respects to Roger and let the world know we truly loss a piece of boxing.

Also we talk about the cancellation of boxing cards and MMA cards due to the spread of the Corona COVID-19 virus and what this means for the sport. Does closed venues benefit the athletes? Should events be closed venues from here on or just be postponed altogether?

Finally to avoid Cabin Fever we have a few ideas and suggestions for the boxing fans on how to occupy their time while they are on lock down!

So tune in and stay subscribed! JABsquad!
